Akhirnya aku update blog aku.. Well benda yg paling ketara is mungkin aku byk dah delete post post yang lama.. Well most it are about my feelings in the past anyway, it doesnt matter now.

Nampaknya ni entry aku yang pertama untuk tahun ni.. Well kalau dibandingkan dgn sebelum sebelum ni, mmg pelik sikit kot.

2013, many of you think 2012 would be the end dont you ? dumbfucks hahah.. tapi 2013 asa mcm janggal sikit. Well first time dlm hidup aku aku dah tak bergelar sbg pelajar sekolah.. Mula mula rasa mcm aku sesat, takde hala tuju dlm hidup. So aku cari kerja.Working hours dia pun tak teruk sgt, since aku cuma perlu kerja morning shifts je.. Dpt gaji enjoy, same shit every day. Tu yang bila aku rasa mcm hidup ni kosong..

April, Plkn. Tak lama lepas aku dpt result  spm, aku pergi plkn.  Waktu dpt  tahu aku kena pergi plkn, dpt mixed feeling either nak pergi ke taknak pergi.Then akhir sekali, pergi jelah. Lagipun kawan aku ckp, seronok juga, dia dpt kem kat sepang, sama mcm diana ke apa tah nama artis tu.. Tapi aku dpt kat semanggol.

By the time sampai, aku ingat balik apa kawan aku ckp and aku fikir "bullshit". Sampai sampai je dah ada geng, seludup rokok whatever shit. Tapi aku fikir, demi pengalaman, so aku stay. Minggu pertama ada gaduh antara squadron. Squadron aku dgn yang mana tah. Dah cuba gaduh senyap senyap, tapi kantoi juga.. Kena denda tgh hujan.

Then fikir balik, there were the good times. Waktu kelas. Ada pertandingan drama, siapa dpt buat drama paling menarik berdasarkan perkataan cikgu kasi, menang. Perkataan kitorang, kejujuran. Watak aku, romeo terkantoi dgn dua orang aweknya. Seronok juga berlakon rupanya. Tapi ada scene aku kena lempang, tak sangka perempuan tu lempang betul betul..

Minggu terakhir aku kat sana. Aku keluar awal sbb tak tahan. Sblm tu ada budak kena pukul and sbb disiplin teruk, kitorang kena denda melutut sampai tgh malam. Tension, aku bela. Syukur dpt panggilan matrik.  Tapi sblm aku bela tu, nama aku tercalon untuk pilihanraya plkn. Pejadahnya..

Aku ingat  lagi nama parti aku, Parti Traktor. Lawan aku, Parti Ayam. Siap ada polis, wartawan bagai. Olok olok je la haha... Gossip pasal aku, Yb Aiman romeo tak sedar diri. Tgk aku berlakon la tu.. Cikgu aku merangkap penasihat parti aku janji kalau menang dpt pizza. Takde pun, asshole.

And skrg aku kat matriks, Tangkak. Setakat ni alhamdulillah dpt buat lagi. Tgh tunggu results first sem aku.

coping up

I still need some time to get in my relationship mode. If i were to grade myself, i'd give myself an E. I suck.

5 things your boyfriend won't tell you

#1 we like being "the boyfriend"

Despite our huge ego about being manly or macho, men like to be in love as much as girls do.

#2 we hate it when you're puliing away

When a girl has made a commitment to a guy, we'd usually expect the girl to stop making us to chase after them. But girls keep on doing it. Its like you're pulling us with your right hand but pushing us with your left hand.

#3 we want our friends to like you but not love you.

In guy world, a bros approval is extremely important. Its like the number one code in the bro code, bros before hoes. But once you get to know our friends, try not to get too close. The thought of losing you is already unbearable, but losing you to a friend, no man should go through that.

#4 we want you to like, but not love, our friends.

This is very important. This has to do a lot with #3. But yet again, dont get too close to one of our friend. Like when we're hanging out with a couple of the guy's friends but the girl keep on eyeballing the friend. How would the boyfriend ? Jealous ? Immature, yes, but we are guys ! We are always immature, so its reasonable to show our love in stupid and immature ways.

#5 We worry that you might dump us

Guys spend most of their time worrying if they might get dumped. I do. We probably spend more time thinking of you dumping us than dumping you.

(taken of the internet)


starting to regret something


Right now, im on my bed with my ipod. Just got back from koko. Like usual we did nothing during koko. I wonder why i still go every week. Before the koko, lepak-ed with nina, dina and khairin. Their gossiping level was through the roof. With their facial expression and all, lol.

Than i went to court. Turns out there was a birthday party. Someone called Iman ? Took a couple of pictures here and there, sprayed whipped cream on each other, normal party stuffs.

Off to shower.


Staying up an extra hour just to keep her company.


I've been offered drugs, alcohol, sex and a whole loads of other shits. But i said no to all of them. Sometimes i like to think that i've rejected all of that because of god, because of Allah and i'd paint a picture in my head, having a place in heaven.

But i know thats not the reason.

role models

"Be the change you wanna see in people", so kau buat perempuan mengandung semua kira bagus la ?